Edmark Foundation


Based on Edmark’s 4 Pillars of Success – Gratitude, Abundance, Love and Compassion, we are helping communities through health and business education while raising the awareness of entrepreneurship. Our goal is to empower individuals to be entrepreneurs in addition to realizing the way to alleviate poverty. Our global community service focuses on elevating the knowledge of nutrition and weight management, helping thousands of people to live healthy lives. Our distributors and staff have dedicated time and effort, including monetary and product donations to enhance the lives of children and adults in countries like Ghana, Nigeria and Malaysia by reaching out to welfare homes, schools and orphanage in those countries.

Through lessons on health and entrepreneurship by our network of committed, loving Edmarkers, we are building a future of well-informed individuals. Young and old, everyone is equipped with the right skills to create business ventures and become successful entrepreneurs.

Edmark Nigeria has extended its helping hands to the children of Ijaiye Primary School and Compassionate Orphanage by giving out school supplies and in-kind donations. 


#EdmarkCares – Visiting Ijaiye Primary School, Lagos, Nigeria (7 October 2019)

“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.”

To witness the happiness of Ijaiye Primary School students’ happiness when we gave them simple things is one of a kind. It warmed and filled our hearts. We thank God for stories like this. It will always live in our hearts. Edmark truly cares and lives on its mission of helping people. Can’t wait for another outreach program in the near future.


#EdmarkCares – Compassionate Orphanage, Lagos, Nigeria (5 October 2019)

Edmark Nigeria has once again extended a helping hand to the children of Compassionate Orphanage in Lagos, Nigeria on 5 October 2019. #EDMARKCares.


Edmark as sponsor of Health Talk in Abuja, Nigeria

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Together with Perwakilan Abuja, Edmark was a proud sponsor of the recent Health Talk held at the Malaysian High Commission Office in Abuja on 2 May 2017. Thanks to all the kindhearted people who made this possible. We look forward to more initiatives that may further enhance the local communities’ plight around the world.

Edmark Visits Alpha and Omega Orphanage (28 March 2017)

A small step can make a big difference.

Together with Perwakilan Abuja, Edmark showered love upon the children of Alpha and Omega Orphanage in Nigeria. Several household items, new uniforms and Edmark products were contributed. This is just one of the many initiatives that may further enhance the local communities’ plight around the world.


Joint Initiative between Perwakilan Abuja and Edmark (14 February 2017)

Perwakilan (Malaysia Ladies Association in Abuja) focuses their initiatives on helping the less privileged children in Nigeria, specifically, the Alpha & Omega Orphanage. 14 February 2017 was special for us as Edmark joined hands with Perwakilan for a fundraising dance class themed the Malaysia Joget with the participation of several female distributors. The ladies were given a piece of the Malaysian fabric as a souvenir which they wore on their shoulders throughout the session.

Datin Lin Yi, wife to the Malaysian High Commissioner in Nigeria, who is also the President of Perwakilan, appreciated Edmark for the support and expressed their eagerness towards more joint initiatives throughout the year.

With Edmark’s all-time favourite beverages, Splina Liquid Chlorophyll, Ginseng Coffee, and Red Yeast Coffee served at the event, participants were also given gift packs with sachets of Edmark
products. We look forward to more initiatives that may further enhance the
local communities’ plight around the world.


Fantastic Mum Nigeria (April 2016)

The Company reached out to the non-governmental organization behind the Fantastic Mum Nigeria project. With a mission to encourage and instill healthy motherhood values and parenting in Nigeria, Fantastic Mum organized a pre-contest challenge in April 2016, themed Keep Fit Mums for their television reality show to promote and reinforce the image of fit and healthy mothers and women as a whole. With physical exercises and health education programs at the event, Edmark stands by Fantastic Mum by supporting them in promoting healthy living among Nigerian women through our effective weight management program and education. Parallel to Edmark’s initiative to empower women entrepreneurship, the Fantastic Mum pre-contest event created an awareness and a strong following of women who are inspired to lift themselves and their household higher by rebuilding their family core values. Edmark stands proud as sponsors of the Fantastic Mum program in Nigeria.


Early 2016, the local team in Ghana extended Edmark’s helping hand, putting to practice the culture of Gratitude, Abundance, Love, and Compassion through the sharing and education of Edmark’s healthy living products. On-site visitation and educational sessions at the various charity organizations – Church of Christ, Ghana Federation of Disability, Help Age, La Sda Children Service, Perez Church, Remar Ghana, Teshie Orphanage, and Voice of God – gave the Company a chance to give back and contribute to the local community of Ghanaians.


Young adults are the pride of our nation. Instilling discipline and strength amongst the youth are essential to practice the skills needed to be successful in life. The learning routine, however, has to be exciting and thoroughly enjoyable.

The 24 Festival Drum, whether it is called a musical or a martial art performance will be left to the interpretation of the audience, is able to achieve such objectives. The most captivating part of the performance is the pulsating beat of the 24 drums. It is the rhythmic beat of the drums and the precision of each drummer that deliver the electrifying connection between the hearts of the drummers and the audience. Everyone who had watched the performance left with them an impression of awe and admiration.

Taking the cue from Ti-Ratana Welfare Society Malaysia with their contributions to help the underprivileged children and adults, Edmark Industries Sdn Bhd fully sponsored the purchase of the 24 drums. With the installation of the drums, the activity has inspired the youth to carry on their mission to touch the world with their life-transforming performance.