At Edmark, we understand that social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life, business, and opinions with family, friends, and business partners around the world. However, the use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities.


When it comes to building your Edmark business on social media or other online platforms, there are many ways to do it correctly and there are many ways to do it wrongly. To assist you in making responsible decisions online, we have established these guidelines to help you get the most out of your marketing efforts while protecting the Edmark Brand. We ask you to commit to using social media in a way that is relevant, responsible, and honest.


To help you do that, we have come up with a list of guiding principles and etiquette. Please see the following links below:


Edmark Social Media Policy [ENGLISH] 

Edmark Social Media Policy [FRENCH]

Edmark Social Media Policy [ARABIC]

Edmark Social Media Policy [SWAHILI] 


Let us help protect the brand we love and care about.


Please do share this post with your business partners.


For more information, please contact your local Marketing In-Charge.

