LTBC Challenge Mechanics
1) MONTH 1 to 3 – Qualify for LTBC Ticket
Recruit 12 people on ELITE Package in 3 months from July 23, 2020 to Oct. 31, 2020
(Upline must upgrade to Elite)
2) MONTH 4 – Qualify for the City Tour
Develop 2 New Elite Managers on the 4th month from the 12 Direct Elite Downlines from Month 1 to 3 and they must be active.
3) MONTH 5 –Qualify for the Air Ticket and Visa (FULL PACKAGE)
Develop 5 New more Elite Managers from the 12 Direct Elite Downlines to complete the 7 New Elite Managers on the 5th month and all must be active.
Please maintain 10 active Elite members with a minimum of 200SV per month (July to Dec. 31, 2020)